The lovely blue ocean and its resident creatures are the jewel in the crown.
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The Bengal tiger is perhaps the best animated animal ever created! The angry green eyes, richly textured orange –white striped skin and every hair on its fur look rich and full of life in 3D.And then when your hear the thunderous roar for the first time, you will realize this is as real as it can get! The rest of the animals a Zebra, an orangutan look great too. Firstly the studio and creative director behind the magnificent CGI. However there are two true heroes that make Life of Pi work.

Ang lee helms the film with difficult source material with absolute grace and expertise. The rest of the supporting cast blend in perfectly too. Suraj Sharma debuts as pi with utter sincerity while Irfan Khan as adult pi and Tabu as mother do justice to their parts. If indeed, you want to experience something thoughtful, Life of pi never forces you on a particular thought, instead it whispers ever so slightly to think about matters of human disposition and finding comfort in convention while caressing your senses with fabulous visuals and background score. If you are in a mood for a thrilling adventure epic on weekend, this is the right ticket. If you are just looking for a beautiful 3D movie to feast your eyes, Life of pi can be it. More interestingly, 'when does man become a beast'? But worry not, Ang Lee's movie does not force you think on these lines, instead it's a film that lets you enjoy it on so many levels. Īgainst nature but also a profound tale that questions 'what separates man from beast?'. All this, combine with a photography created by the same guy that make "Tron: Legacy" looks so cool and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" so beautiful, Claudio Miranda, makes it an incredible experience to see.This movie is definitely an Oscar runner for Special Effects, Cinematography, Director and Movie of the year. It doesn't matter if it is computer animation, Richard Parker is alive and is his own character just as important as Pi is.If you think that "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" have good animal effects, you have to see how this people make a zebra, a hyena and a orangutan. This tiger is computed animated but the audience will barely notice, because the way it walks, eats, its factions, the eyes. Not many films can make an animal with so many human features and yet never stop being a wild animal. Very few movies allow an actor represent so many emotions.But if Pi is a good character, Richard Parker can only be describe as unique. He can make happy scenes as equal as sad, desperate, hopelessness, exhaustion and anger ones. So it is not only important to have a great character that appeals to the audience feelings, but to have an actor that portray this person the right way. Release Date: 21 November 2012 (USA).Hours just one character. Director: Ang Lee, Writers: Yann Martel (novel), David Magee (scre enpla y), Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain | Plot Keywords: pi | zoo | tiger | animal | lifeboat | Genres: Adventure | Drama | Fantasy, Motion Picture Rating (MPAA) Rated PG for emotional thematic content throu ghout, and some scary action sequences and peril | Country: USA | Taiwan | UK, Language: English | Tamil | French | Japanese | Hindi | Chinese. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger. Slo opis A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. Pijevo življenje, cel film z angleškimi podnapisi. več Life of Pi (2012) complete movie, English subtitled. Director: Ang Lee, Writers: Yann Martel (novel), David Magee (screenplay), Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain | Plot Keywords: pi |.

Life of Pi (2012) complete movie, English subtitled.